This is a site about naturism in Scotland, run and paid for by volunteers and donations.
If you are unfamiliar with what naturism is, please check out the What is Naturism page hosted by British Naturism.
This site originally sprang from an MSN group which was shut down when the naturist / nudist photos were deemed by MSN to be in some way offensive. When it was running, it was the only genuine Scotland based MSN group for all you hardy Scots naturists / nudists out there or those wishing to visit Scotland who prefer to relax without the constraints of clothing.
We try to keep this site posted with all suitable clothes-free events within Scotland so please let us know of any nude events that are not listed. If you'd like to try the lifestyle, see what it's like to make the natural choice and feel the wonderful sense of freedom, see the Scottish Clubs for contact details of your local swim / sauna or sun club. See the Calendar for upcoming bare events and check out the Links for other naturism / nudism related sites.
To join the Scottish Outdoor Club, see their listing on this website. Do not contact Naked Scotland about attending a club or swim - use their contact details on the relevant swims or clubs page. Naked Scotland don't run the swims or clubs.
The Arlington Baths host an 18+ nudist swim at 6pm - 9pm on Sundays. Tickets are required and they are not taking on new members. It is a very nice venue and you will be made very welcome. There is also nude Yoga. If you want to attend, see the Sunday Swim website for details.
World Naked Gardening Day is the 1st Saturday in May. If your garden is overlooked by neighbours, why not talk to your neighbours and find out if they would be cool with you gardening in the nude for one day? Legally, you can be naked in your own garden in the UK, but it is always good to avoid confrontation and if you let your neighbours know, you can explain what naturism is, and that it is legal.