Terms and Conditions.
Use of the forums/website
The website shall be governed by the laws of Scotland.
Minimum age
The law in Scotland recognises people aged 16 or over as adults capable of making their own decisions, so you must be over 16 to join this website. If you are under 16, please ask your parent(s) to join themselves and to supervise your use of the site. Whilst the nudity isn't a problem (we are all naked when we are born), potentially there may be discussions that may include adult language.
Users signing up to this site must use their full real name (this will not be displayed to the other users, except the moderators).
Be Nice
All users must be polite and courteous to all other users. Users are asked to refrain from name calling, swearing and abusing others. Let us respect the opinion of other users. Homophobes, bullies and racists, for example, shall not be tolerated.
Users are not permitted to have multiple identities and any infrigement of this can lead to users being banned and/or their posts removed. Users with seemingly random names and other random personal information will be deleted for security reasons. Connecting via a VPN is not permitted.
Users may post photographs if they wish, but these must not contain any erotic or sexual content such as, but not limited to, erections, but photos may contain simple nudity. Photos with the head missing/blurred out or otherwise obscured, and photos focussing on the genitals will be rejected and may result in a site ban for the poster of the image(s). Anyone posting an image must own the copyright of all the images they post, or they must be in the public domain. Images must be legal as determined or defined by Scottish Law. For clarification, cartoons, line drawings and other images will be classed in the same way as photos. All photos published remain the property of the person or people in the photographs. Photographs from this website may not be copied from this website to any other website, or any publication without the express permission of the copyright holder. Statements made on the login-restricted sections of this website may not be made public without the express permission of the author(s).
Photos/images containing illegal content will be reported to the relevant authorities.
The administrators reserve the right to delete any content that infringes the terms and conditions or for any reason should they see fit.
Inappropriate behaviour
This site is for genuine naturists to meet and discuss. Doggers and exhibitionists are most definitely not welcome here - there are plenty of other sites for those - and we reserve the right to ban anyone who we suspect is not a genuine naturist, or who has ulterior motives for joining the site.
No Baiting
Please do not try to solicit inappropriate messages from others to yourself as a way of exposing inappropriate behaviour. If someone messages you something inappropriate, you should report it straight away on the first instance and we will deal with it appropriately. Protracting an inappropriate conversation serves no evidential purpose and only serves to indict both parties.
This site is provided as a good-will gesture and as a service to the naturist community. No charge is made for its use. There is no warranty provided and if the site becomes unavailable for technical reasons, there will be no compensation made (although best endeavours will always be made to keep it up and running). Abuse of the administrators will not be tolerated as they give freely of their time without compensation. Donations to keep the site running will be gratefully received. Use the contact us page to arrange this, or to contact us for any genuine reason. We reserve the right to start charging for this site if the need arises, although there will be at least one month's notice if this happens.
We hope you find this site useful.